Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guess who's back, back again!

Ah to begin again, tabula rasa, a blank slate. I spent the last year and a half spinning the tales of Small Town X, and the experiences that small town living had to offer. But now I have left and that chapter of my life has come to a close, yet the next has begun to unfold. So after a brief hiatus, the blog writing urge has begun to re-surface and I find myself missing the catharsis of sharing life lessons and a good laugh from time to time. The focus of the last blog was on the every day antics I would experience, I suppose this is the same. The good, the bad and the humorous. It is not that anything extraordinary occurs, but that it is in the little things that I find what is really important. So to wrap this little introduction up, here I am. A little strange, yes, but none-the-less here to share the parts of my world that will be footnotes in the story of my life. Perhaps one day something that is shared will make some small contribution to another. Whether is be a smile, a chuckle or a realization that we all have more in common then we thought. Until next time, here we go again!


  1. Just thought I should let you know that I think you are an extraordinary writer! Have you ever thought of writing a book?

  2. Shan that is so sweet of you! I do enjoy it a lot, but I am not sure I would ever have anything significant enough to write a book about. And definitely lack the imagination to create something out of nothing. So I think at least for right now I will stick to the short stories and randomness of life, and if there is ever a time someone wants to publish it, I may just consider it :) And thanks for being my first official follower! You are wonderful :)
