Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Random acts of kindness, proof in the goodness around us

Spencer W. Kimball once said, “So often, our acts of service consist of simple encouragement or of giving … help with mundane tasks, but what glorious consequences can flow … from small but deliberate deeds!” It amazes me the amount of service that goes on around me, as well as for me, at any given time. Selfless acts of generosity and love. And then there come around those examples of incredible goodness that change people’s lives in more drastic ways. I had the chance to hear firsthand one such story, and asked if I could share it. To begin, you must know one important fact, I work with the most incredible man. He has been given more than his fair share of challenges, and the strength to endure he emulates is unprecedented. To give you some background, he has spent his life and his career helping others. He is patient and kind in all his dealings, and gives 110% to everything he does. He has been faced with some difficult challenges. Having struggled to manage his health he has dealt with controlling his diabetes, having a liver transplant, tackling skin cancer (which was a side effect of the anti-rejection medications he takes) and a serious foot disease that leaves the bones fragile and easily broken. On top of everything that he has already coped with, he recently discovered that he will have to have one of his legs amputated. This news was tragic, and yet he continues to give his all to those around him, despite dealing with the heaviness and weight of this next challenge.

The people around him have flooded his life with tender mercies. He shared some of these acts of service, from rides to and from work, to meals prepared for their family, as well as some incredible feats. The members of his ward/church came and built a deck and ramp in order to make getting in and out of the house easily accessible. Then this weekend he was met with yet another act of generosity. He received a call on Friday from RC Willey. The man said that they had a delivery for him and needed to arrange a drop off time for the next day. He explained to the caller that he must have the incorrect person, and that they had not purchased any items. The caller then explained that he knew he would be confused, but that an anonymous person had arranged for this delivery and they just needed to find a good time. Stunned and perplexed he arranged a time the following day. When the delivery truck arrived, the driver entered and said, “I am under contract not to disclose any information regarding the person that arranged this, but where would you like it?” He responded that he did not know what it was. The driver pointed outside to a beautiful new stainless steel range and oven. He was speechless. At this point in the story I asked the significance of the gift. He said that they had had their stove and oven for 30+ years and that most of the burners no longer worked and they had to test the temperature separately because the instruments were no longer functioning. Replacing the expensive appliance was not possible, so their family made due. He had not ever spoken about this concern, and did not know who might have known about the oven, and would be so generous as to replace it for their family. 

He was brought to tears even re-telling the story, and frankly so was I. There is no one more deserving of such a kind and thoughtful gift. It never ceases to amaze me the incredible people that come in and out of our lives. The individuals responsible may never know how much their act of kindness not only fulfilled a temporal need, but also fed the souls of those involved. It filled them with gratitude and love, humility and hope. I am grateful for so many that give of themselves in time, resources and love. They work miracles every day in the lives of those around them. And when it seems that hatred and contention have won, I remember that that will never be possible so long as acts of service and love exist.   

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