Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner Flashback!

Who knew one song could have such a lasting impression, but it does. I went to the Desert Star dinner theater to go see their parody of Wicked, called Wicked-er! It was the epic tale of Vanna White, fed up with the poor treatment Pat was subjecting her to, she is distributed to Oz where she puts on the ruby red sneakers and travels with quite a group of characters to see the wizard. Rather than the scarecrow, lion, and tin man, Vanna explores Oz with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Zach Galifianakis, and none other than Dr. Sheldon Cooper.  It is a small production, but quite a fun experience. 


Ok, if you do not want to know how this show ends, stop reading right now. Because without the ending of this show, you cannot begin to understand the correlation to an American classic such as the hot dog. After Vanna becomes power hungry and takes over Oz and becomes Wicked-er than the wicked witch of the west, the group tries to end her reign of tyranny.  The ruby sneakers give her the ability to wish for anything that she desires. Therefore, in the last moments of the show, Dr. Sheldon Cooper performs a masterful twist of irony. He expresses that what he misses most from home was a hot dog. Then humming the familiar tune scratches his head to remember the lyrics to the famous jingle, at which point Vanna sings out, “Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner!” and poof she is. It is after her transformation that Zach Galifianakis eats her. So why does this jingle take me back to a time long, long ago. I have a secret. It is shameful and has only been shared with a few… I once grasped at fame and glory with that very same song. How you might ask? It was a sunny day as a youth, I think I was about 11, when what came to town but the Oscar Meyer Weenie Mobile! I mean who doesn’t love a giant hot dog on wheels? But better yet, they were coming by to audition children for their commercials. All you had to do was sing the jingle on camera to audition and then you got a weenie whistle. There was initial excitement, however, it was more-so from my dad in that he had always wanted a weenie whistle and here it was only 90 camera seconds away from being his. Unfortunately, he did not qualify to audition. So what does he do? Signs me up. 

This would not have been too terribly embarrassing, had it not been for one unmistakable fact. Everyone else was the average age of 4 and no taller than 4 feet. Then here I come. Picture this, a 5 foot something 11 year old, hunching over a short microphone stand singing the Oscar Meyer Weiner song following the audition of an adorable 3 year old with a slight speech impediment. I never had a chance. My dreams of celebrity lying somewhere on a cutting room floor. Far better there I imagine, than aired nation-wide. Should I ever run for public office, I fear that this tape would re-surface and my gap toothed, Sally Jesse Raphael pink glasses, and un-ruley blonde hair would knock me out of the running. I mean really, who wants a weenie has-been who never really was? It shall be the skeleton in my closet, always lurking but never appearing except in my own mind, every time I hear the words, “because Oscar Meyer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!”

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